This page provides an overview of the history of VITAL®.
Establishing the VITAL Scientific Framework
Cross contact allergens, when present in a food, can trigger an allergic reaction in sensitive individuals. However, scientific evidence has shown that there are levels of allergenic food residues that are small enough not to trigger an allergic reaction in most individuals with food allergy under normal circumstances.
Recognising a need for these levels to be identified through sound and robust science, the Allergen Bureau invited international scientists specialising in allergen management, food allergy and risk assessment to form the VITAL Scientific Expert Panel (VSEP). The objective being to review the underpinning science around food allergen thresholds.
Members of the VSEP
- Dr Steve Taylor (Chair of Panel) – Food Allergy Research & Resource Program (FARRP) (USA)
- Dr Joseph Baumert – Food Allergy Research & Resource Program (FARRP)
- Dr Geert Houben – Principal Scientist Food Allergy and Immunotoxicology (TNO) & Professor (Utrecht University and University Medical Centre Utrecht) (NL)
- Dr Rene Crevel (RENE CREVEL Consulting Ltd) (UK) (formerly of Allergy & Immunology, Unilever)
- Dr Simon Brooke Taylor (Food Safety & Risk Analysis Consultant, Allergen Bureau) (AUS)
- Prof Dianne Campbell – Academic Paediatric Immunologist (Sydney University, Children’s Hospital Westmead, DBV-Technologies)
Previous VSEP Members
- (2011 to 2019) Professor Katie Allen – Murdoch Children’s Research Institute (AUS)
- (2011 to 2022) Dr Benjamin Remington – Food Allergy Research & Resource Program (FARRP) and Remington Consulting Group B.V. (NL)
The VSEP first met in Sydney, Australia in 2011 and reviewed available clinical evidence to determine Reference Doses for a range of commonly recognised allergens. The VSEP overarching scientific approach included:
- analysing existing published clinical data plus some unpublished data
- performing statistically based risk assessments
- ensuring the data is scientifically and clinically sound, defensible and transparent
- aiming to protect the vast majority of people with food allergy
The recommendations from the VSEP form the scientific framework for the current iteration of the VITAL Program and VITAL Online. The VSEP continues to be a key part of the VITAL Program by evaluating newly available data that will inform any changes to the Reference Doses.
VITAL Timeline

2024 VITAL 4.0 Released.
2022/2023 6 Reports released. Report 2 endorses the science that underpins the VITAL program, and after expert consultation recommends ED05 based Reference Doses.
2021 Codex Request the formation of an FAO/WHO Expert Panel to review global priority and non-global priority allergens, allergen thresholds and the use of PAL.
2019 Model averaging project completed. The VSEP reconvened at FAMS2019, Melbourne, in May 2019. Results of modelling averaging project presented at FAMS2019. VSEP Recommendations 2019 were incorporated by the Allergen Bureau into VITAL Program Version 3.0.
2018 Worked towards completion of the model averaging project. The VSEP reconvened at EAACI-FAAM, Copenhagen, in October 2018.
2017 The VSEP reconvened at FAMS2017, Sydney, and agreed to: develop model averaging methodology; continue to gather threshold data; continue to look for clinical data for other allergens; and progress work on consumption data.
2016 The VSEP reconvened at FAAM, Rome. Conducted the ‘one-shot’ peanut trial.
2015 The VSEP reconvened at FAMS2015, Sydney, and agreed to: combine and review the VITAL data with the EUROPREVALL data; establish protocols/criteria to signal a Reference Dose review; and progress work on consumption data
2012 Release of the VITAL Program Version 2.0 and associated tools, including the VITAL calculator.
2011 The VITAL Program review commenced, including the establishment of the VITAL Scientific Expert Panel (VSEP)
The VSEP determine Reference Doses for a range of commonly recognised allergens.
2007 VITAL (Voluntary Incidental Trace Allergen Labelling) Program, including first version of the VITAL calculator, was launched as a tool for the food industry in Australia and New Zealand. The VITAL Program is managed by the Allergen Bureau
The VITAL Program is included in the Food Industry Guide to Allergen Management and Labelling (2007).
2005 The Allergen Bureau was established. This was an initiative of the AFGC Allergen Forum to provide information, practical tools and contacts for the food industry to improve management of food allergens and derived ingredients.